John Reed and Chris Lasley, two veteran astrophotographers, share a passion for imaging the night sky. Join them as they discuss topics driven by audience interest. Participants are encouraged to join in the discussion and help drive the workshop by filling out the short survey below.
This workshop will be lead by Jeff Roberston, Ph.D who is a veritable Pied Piper for Amateur astronomer involvement in science. It is recommended, but not required, that attendees bring a laptop computer. Attendees will learn how to process CCD images and produce photometry of variable stars and/or eclipsing binaries using the following free software to generate, visualize and analyze light curve data:
- Photometry using Cmuniwin
- Period Analysis using Peranso
- Plotting with Excel or Open Office
If there is time and interest we may also review Vstar for analysis and plotting and/or LesvePhotometry for processing. Submit interests in these or other relevant areas via this website contact form.
Club Leadership
This roundtable forum will be moderated by Darrell Heath and/or Bruce McMath and is intended to provide club leaders with an opportunity to share ideas, and discuss ways to improve and grow our clubs. To stimulate the process all the clubs in the region as well as states immediately adjacent to Arkansas have been asked to participate in a club management survey. The results of this survey to-date can be viewed at the link below.
If your club is not listed, please visit the link below to respond to the survey.